7 Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Find Out How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Sleep, Posture, Flexibility, Mobility, Energy Levels, Sports Performance And Blood Circulation
Your health is one of your greatest assets. In this article, we’re going to share with you seven benefits you can expect from chiropractic care. They include:
- Better Sleep
- Improved Posture
- Greater Flexibility
- Increased Mobility
- Boosted Energy Levels
- Improved Athletic Performance
- Better Blood Circulation
If you’re seeking any of those health benefits, let’s dive in to see how chiropractic care can help you!

7 Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Find Out How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Sleep, Posture, Flexibility, Mobility, Energy Levels, Sports Performance And Blood Circulation
Your health is one of your greatest assets. In this article, we’re going to share with you seven benefits you can expect from chiropractic care. They include:
- Better Sleep
- Improved Posture
- Greater Flexibility
- Increased Mobility
- Boosted Energy Levels
- Improved Athletic Performance
- Better Blood Circulation
If you’re seeking any of those health benefits, let’s dive in to see how chiropractic care can help you!

Does chiropractic help you sleep better?
If you’re like most people, you have some sort of neck misalignment that stems from poor posture, staring at screens and devices and sleeping in bad positions.
Regular chiropractic adjustments to the neck can help you decrease your chance of developing sleep apnea. Chiropractic adjustments can also alleviate any ways that your breathing is restricted, improving your quality of sleep.
You will also help you feel less tense. You’ll sleep better because you have less discomfort.
Can a chiropractor help correct posture?
The initial adjustments your chiropractor will make will put your spine into alignment, reduce tension and increase mobility so that you can naturally slip into good posture.
Sometimes poor posture is simply a result of decreased mobility from misalignment. It might be too painful to be in the correct posture. Chiropractic care can help with that.
Dr. Llaird Likens will examine your specific posture imbalance, such as a forward head, a high right shoulder or hips pushed forward. Then you’ll receive immediate relief from adjustments along with a longer-term care plan to correct imbalances.
Can chiropractors increase flexibility?
Flexibility is typically limited due to a loss of range of motion due to the spine or joints being out of alignment. With manual adjustments, Dr. Llaird Likens can help you to recover normal range of motion in the spine, the neck and other joints.
Can chiropractors help with range of motion?
Chiropractic care is your best bet to improve your range of motion. Loss of mobility comes with age and wear and tear of the body. Even the slightest misalignment in the spine can cause other parts of the body to work overtime to compensate. Once your body is moving unnaturally to compensate, you’ll feel the pain and inflammation resulting in your body. That will show up as a reduced range of motion for everything from your neck to your shoulders to your knees.
Dr. Likens will find the source of your reduced mobility and perform adjustments to make you feel better and increase your range of motion.
Do your energy levels improve after seeing a chiropractor?
Do you feel pain somewhere in your muscles, spine or joints right now? Imagine going to the chiropractor, getting an adjustment and feeling that tension loosen. Your mood level will instantly improve because your pain level has decreased.
That’s not where it ends though.
The adjustments Dr. Llaird Likens will make adjustments that put your body back into its natural state, allow the central nervous system to function properly and boost your energy levels.
Can Chiropractic Care Improve My Athletic Performance?
Dr. Llaird Likens is the team chiropractor for the Pensacola Pelicans and the Pensacola Ice Pilots so he can tell you first hand that chiropractic care can help improve your sports performance.
And his patients can attest to being able to stay active thanks to chiropractic care.
“Dr. Llaird is the best Chiropractor. He is incredibly knowledgeable and he really addressed the source of pain that all of the other Doctors’ overlooked. He was a life saver for my active lifestyle!” said Ashley S.
How Chiropractic Care Helps Blood Flow
Do you have poor blood circulation? One way to tell if you’ve got poor blood circulation is if your hands and feet are always cold.
One reason you could be suffering from reduced blood circulation is called subluxation. A subluxation is a slight misalignment of the vertebrae. Subluxations can impede the circulatory system, blocking proper blood flow.
Dr. Llaird Likens will provide chiropractic treatments that allow your body to reestablish proper alignment and allow your blood circulation to improve.
If you are seeking to improve your health and you live in Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Midway or Mary Esther Dr. Llaird Likens is ready and available to schedule an appointment for you. He’s been treating patients for 18 years and looks forward to the opportunity to help you feel better.