How Chiropractic Care Can Help Military Veterans
Discover how chiropractic care can help military veterans with service-connected injuries. Learn about the benefits veterans can expect from chiropractic care.
Military veterans are a big part of the Northwest Florida family and being able to serve them is important to us, especially since we know our treatment can help without being invasive.
In this post we will cover:
- Why Veterans Need Chiropractic Care
- How Veterans Can Get Their Life Back With Chiropractic Care
- How Chiropractic Care For Veterans Is Non-Invasive and Why it’s Important
And don’t forget, Dr. Llaird Likens is a VA Provider so if you need help, he is ready to serve you.
Why Veterans Need Chiropractic Care
A report released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 2017 announced that more than 62 percent of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn veterans who sought health care from the VA over a 14-year period were treated for musculoskeletal ailments.
That demonstrated the need for chiropractic care to be covered by the VA.
Back and neck pain coupled with spinal issues are some of the most common veteran disabilities. Other common conditions include migraines, knee pain and PTSD. Dr. Llaird Likens treats these problems. In fact, he specializes in them.
Veterans also need chiropractic care because it addresses underlying issues causing pain. Rather than treating symptoms of pain, Dr. Llaird Likens aims for the source and uses every available tool to bring healing and relief to veterans.
Veterans Can Get Their Life Back
Many veterans are suffering from chronic pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care can improve the quality of life for a veteran so that they can improve their mental state, focus, mood and even recall. Chiropractic treatment for veterans can also improve their mobility and allow them to return to their favorite leisure activities without pain.
In Northwest Florida, our veterans love to fish and hang out at the beach and we want them to get back to enjoying those things without pain.
Chiropractic Care For Veterans Is Non-Invasive
Veterans have been poked and prodded since the day they showed up to boot camp. At Navarre Chiropractic Center, we’re proud to offer gentle, non-invasive treatments that allow veterans to heal without surgery or medication, both of which have risks.
In fact, chiropractic care is associated with the decreased use of opioids by veterans for chronic pain according to the VA.
Veterans Can Maintain Long Term Health
The disabilities veterans suffer can feel like a lifelong sentence. Chiropractic care can help with long-term pain management as well as helping the veteran to implement lifestyle changes that improve overall health. Treatment will also help the veteran maintain mobility as time goes on.
People also ask:
Will the VA pay for me to see a chiropractor?
Yes! Your benefits as a veteran now include chiropractic care as part of the standard Medical Benefits Package for eligible veterans. Dr. Llaird Likens has partnered with the VA to provide chiropractic care to veterans as part of the Care in the Community program.
How many chiropractic visits does VA allow in a year?
The typical referral for veteran chiropractic care is 12 visits over a period of 90 days. From there, additional authorizations can be received. Please call our office if you have any questions so we can help you get started and feel better.
If you are a veteran experiencing back pain, neck pain, knee pain, spinal issues, migraines or PTSD and you live in Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Midway or Mary Esther please call us! Dr. Llaird Likens completed the process to become a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Provider for chiropractic care because veterans deserve outstanding care and we want to serve them.