Auto Accident Injuries
An auto accident can very suddenly change your life. Many patients go from being active and feeling well one day to suffering from pain, stiffness, pressure, tightness and limited mobility the next day. Many times, pain from an auto accident comes from an injury to the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic is essential to provide relief and healing to these types of injuries. Dr. Llaird LIkens and the Navarre Chiropractic Center look forward to being your first step toward a complete recovery.

Auto Accident Injuries
An auto accident can very suddenly change your life. Many patients go from being active and feeling well one day to suffering from pain, stiffness, pressure, tightness and limited mobility the next day. Many times, pain from an auto accident comes from an injury to the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic is essential to provide relief and healing to these types of injuries. Dr. Llaird LIkens and the Navarre Chiropractic Center look forward to being your first step toward a complete recovery.

Common Musculoskeletal Auto Accident Injuries
The sudden impact of a car accident can cause many different types of injuries including whiplash, herniated disc, soft tissue injuries, sprains and strains. In addition, the spine can become misaligned which can result in compressed nerves that cause pain and restrict movement. All of these injuries can present symptoms that include neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, headaches, muscle stiffness and loss of flexibility. Without a chiropractic examination and treatment, the underlying issues can be left unnoticed, so these painful symptoms can continue for years.
Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries
Chiropractic care specifically treats injuries to the spine and musculoskeletal system by reducing inflammation, increasing range of motion and preventing further damage from scar-tissue. One of the biggest benefits of chiropractic care is that it provides a non-invasive treatment option and allows you to recover and heal without the use of prescription medication. Instead, Dr. Llaird Likens uses holistic treatments that allow your body to heal itself naturally.
Here’s What You Can Expect from Dr. Llaird Likens Auto Accident Injury Treatment Pain Relief
Knowing what to expect from your chiropractic care treatments can ease your mind. Dr. Llaird Likens will use a variety of spinal adjustments, stretches and strengthening exercises to realign your spine. This will result in reduced pain because as misalignments are corrected, the affected nerves, muscles and tissues can find relief, heal and stop causing pain. Car accidents also cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation is part of the body’s healing process. Unfortunately, it can be painful. Chiropractic care will reduce inflammation by signaling to the body to slow down production of its inflammatory cytokines.
Restored Range of Motion and Mobility
Reduced range of motion and mobility is a top concern of those suffering from auto accident injuries. The soft tissue injuries can present symptoms like stiff and sore muscles that make mobility difficult. Chiropractic care uses natural therapies like massage, trigger point release, stretches and hot/cold treatments to help restore range of motion and reduce stiffness.
Long-term Healing/Prevention of Future Injuries
Auto accident injuries can have long term effects that lead to weak muscles, making you vulnerable to future injuries. Chiropractic care provides strengthening and corrective exercises to use at home so you can fully heal and prevent future injuries.
See Llaird Likens for Auto Accident Injuries
It’s important to see your chiropractor immediately after your accident for an examination and diagnosis so that you can begin treatment as soon as possible. Give the Navarre Chiropractic Center team a call today at 850-939-3339 so we can answer any questions or schedule you an appointment with Dr. Llaird Likens.