Auto Accident FAQ
Life is enough without adding an auto accident into the mix. If you sustain an injury from an auto accident, then life can become very difficult. We want to help you get the care you need to get back to life as normal (or better). We’ve put together the following FAQ to help you get answers quickly so you can get the care you need. Dr. Llaird Likens has been treating injuries from auto accidents for more than 20 years and looks forward to helping you find relief.

Auto Accident FAQ
Life is enough without adding an auto accident into the mix. If you sustain an injury from an auto accident, then life can become very difficult. We want to help you get the care you need to get back to life as normal (or better). We’ve put together the following FAQ to help you get answers quickly so you can get the care you need. Dr. Llaird Likens has been treating injuries from auto accidents for more than 20 years and looks forward to helping you find relief.

Why Is Seeing a Chiropractor After a Car Accident So Important?
If you’ve been in an auto accident, chiropractic care is a must as you start your recovery. While you may have visible injuries, there might be more going on underneath the surface. This is especially true if you start to feel neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and headaches. Sometimes you’ll feel pain immediately and other times it might slowly start to build in the hours, days and weeks afterward
What Does Post-Accident Chiropractic Treatment Entail?
You will receive a custom treatment plan from Dr. Llaird Likens depending on the severity of your injuries. Your treatments may include adjustments, massage, physiotherapy, ultrasound therapy and electro-muscular stimulation. Chiropractic care is natural, non-invasive and does not require the use of medication. Your first visit will include a full examination, consultation, explanation of treatment options and actual treatment when possible. You can call 850-939-3339 to have any questions answered or schedule an appointment today.